Sunday, January 30, 2005

How well do you know your child

  1. Who is your child's best friend?
  2. What is your child's greatest fear?
  3. What are your child's favorite and least favorite subjects in school?
  4. What is your child's favorite television show?
  5. What color would your child like his room to be?
  6. Who is your child's greatest hero?
  7. Does your child feel liked by the children at school?
  8. What would be your child's favorite vacation?
  9. What is your child's favorite food, and what is the most dreaded?
  10. What is your child's most prized possession?
  11. What does your child feel is his greatest talent?
  12. What does your child like least about his looks?
  13. What does your child want to be when he grows up?
  14. What household chore does your child like least?
  15. What is your child's favorite family occasion?
  16. What nicknames do other children call your child?
  17. Of what accomplishment is your child most proud?
  18. What is your child's biggest complaint about the family?
  19. What is your child's favorite kind of music?
  20. What sport does your child most enjoy playing?
  21. What would your child like to change about himself?
  22. What is your child's favorite outfit to wear?
  23. What embarrasses your child the most?
  24. What does your child like most and least about church, temple, etc.?
  25. Who -- outside the family -- has influenced your child the most?

According to the PTA newsletter, if you answered 20-25 correctly, you talk with your child and know him well. If you answered 13-19 correctly, you know a lot about him but could improve. If you answered fewer than 13 correctly, you need to spend more time wtih your child and listen harder.

Found this at Moms in the Mirror I thougt it was intersting.


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